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How the winter season affects your sinuses?

There is an idea that sinus problems are usually seasonal and more prevalent in the spring and summer months, but winter is also a culprit to causing many sinus problems when houses are closed-up without proper ventilation and also when the weather is cold and damp.

Sinus headaches, a runny nose, congestion, sinus pressure, inflammation, coughing, bad breath and post nasal drip symptoms cause people with winter sinusitis to feel miserable.

At first there is a cold or flu, this causes the skin inside your nose and sinuses to swell. Once your sinuses are swollen they cannot drain properly and mucus starts building up inside. This trapped mucus becomes the perfect place for bacteria to breed thereby resulting in a sinus infection. You then start to feel stuffed up, persistent headaches, slight fever and the other awful symptoms of sinusitis. Other winter causes of sinusitis may be due to nasal polyps or even allergies.

Many people experience the same allergy symptoms that they experience in the spring and summer seasons. Why is this?

Well… mold, alcohol, food and artificial fragrances seem to be at the top of the list for winter allergies. Some people find that their symptoms are triggered by their Christmas trees because of the mold that grows on them. Many live trees have mold growing naturally on them while artificial trees and the decorations that adorn them may gather mold from being stored away for 11 months.

During the holiday season some of us also seem to drink a lot more alcohol and eat more exotic foods. Food allergies and the fact that alcohol causes the skin inside your nose to swell may also be causing sinus headaches and post nasal drip symptoms.

Artificial fragrances from scented candles, decorations and pine scented artificial trees irritate the linings in your nose. This then could also trigger an allergic reaction.

Tips to staying clear of Sinusitis this winter

Avoid catching a cold - Avoid those nasty colds and flu’s by getting enough sleep and rest, by drinking plenty of water and by eating healthy foods.


Manage indoor allergies

Keep humidity levels low - Use a humidifier in damp areas of your house especially the basement.

Get rid of carpets - Carpeting is known to harbor allergens and dust within its fibers. As it is cold, rather keep small rugs throughout the house that can be easily washed and cleaned. If you do not want to get rid of your carpeting then make sure that they are cleaned regularly.

Cover your beds and pillows - Covering your mattress and pillows with allergen proof material will help greatly. Also wash your bedding regularly to keep dust mites at bay.

Managing your pets - Keep pets out of your bedroom and you can also use an air cleaner to help dispose of pet dander. If it gets too much consider finding your pets a new home.

Mold - To avoid your artificial Xmas tree and the decorations getting contaminated with mold make sure that they are stored in a dry place and that the cartons are properly sealed. If your tree or its trimmings have already been contaminated or if you are not sure, open the cartons outside and leave them there to air for two or three days before using them.

Food and alcohol - To avoid allergy triggers eat and drink in moderation.

Winter is a time for Christmas celebration, ice skating, snow boarding, skiing and having fun. So don’t let winter get you down!


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