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Sinus Headaches

The pain and discomfort you feel when a sinus headache attacks you may last until your sinuses start clearing up. While a typical sinus headache lasts a few hours, intermittent bouts of sinus headaches can be quite debilitating. Nasal sprays and decongestants can provide temporary relief, but there is one solution that offers immediate relief and sustained improvements. Sinus-Pro's Sinus Headache Remedy combines a proven formula and natural ingredients to get rid of the most painful headaches resulting from sinusitis.

What is a Sinus Headache?

Sinus headaches are associated with the swelling of the membrane lining in the sinus cavities (spaces adjacent to the nasal passages). These cavities are the bony, air-filled cavities in the head that connect to the nose through small openings. The sinuses produce mucus that cleans and moistens the membranes of the nose and throat.

A sinus headache occurs when these sinuses become inflamed and congested due to air, pus and mucus that is trapped in the sinus cavities causing a vacuum. This vacuum in the sinus cavities causes the pressure and pain we feel in our head.

Sinus headaches may feel like tightness and pain behind the eyes and in the ears and relentless pounding in your head and face.

The key to relieving the symptoms of a Sinus Headache is to reduce swelling and inflammation and facilitate mucus drainage from the sinuses.

Causes of Sinus Headaches

  • Mucus build-up
  • Flu infection
  • Allergies
  • Facial pressure
  • Pain in the upper teeth
  • Colds
  • Sinus infections

Regardless of the causal factors, Sinus Headache Remedy from Sinus Pro treats painful and debilitating headaches quickly. Our homeopathy medicine uses special natural ingredients in precise proportions to stop sinus headaches and keep them at bay in future.

Symptoms of a Sinus Headache

  • Pain and pressure around the eyes
  • Pain across the cheeks and forehead
  • Achy feeling in the upper teeth
  • Fever and chills
  • Facial swelling
  • Nasal stuffiness or congestion
  • Yellow or green discharge
  • Tender skin and bones over and under the eyes
  • Sinus headaches that tend to get worse as you bend forward or lie down
  • Debilitating pain in the morning because mucus has been collecting and not draining all night
  • Allergies

Sinus-Pro’s tried-and-tested homeopathic remedy successfully alleviates your sinus headache and other painful conditions accompanying it. You don’t have to go through the day feeling ill at ease and fatigued. The stress you feel at work when sinus headaches stop you from being your usual efficient self, is also driven away.

Our remedy dulls the worsening pain experienced in the mornings by draining out the mucus that has build up over night. It brings down facial swelling, fever and chills and lessens the amount of yellow or green nasal discharge. You wont feel the pressure in your cheeks, forehead and around your eyes anymore. The aches in your upper jaw will also go away.

Effective Treatment using Sinus Headache Remedy from Sinus-Pro

Sinus-Pro's natural remedy for sinus headaches is safe and all-natural. It relieves a sinus headache almost immediately without clogging up your sinuses. It is unique, and has no known side effects. This remedy will treat the following:

  • Frontal sinusitis caused by sinus headaches
  • Headaches at the back of the head
  • Pain at the root of the nose
  • Pain in the upper jaw
  • Pain around the eyes and surrounding eye sockets
  • Heavy and congested head
  • Neck and muscle pain due to sinusitis
Sinus Headaches
Sinus-Pro Remedies Sinus Headache Remedy
Assists in the treatment of Headaches, Pain, Pressure and congestion
Buy Now$28 (30 day supply)
Buy 2 and get a Discount$51 (60 day supply)
save $5

Tips to relieve a Sinus Headache

  • Inhaling moist air: By breathing in steam from a basin of hot water, or from a hot shower, you can get temporary relief from your sinus headache.
  • Hot and cold compresses: Place a hot compress across your sinuses for 3 minutes, and follow it up with a cold compress for 30 seconds. Repeat this 3 times.
  • Using a humidifier in the home if the air is particularly dry may also help prevent a sinus headache.

Use these tips in conjunction with Sinus-Pro’s Sinus Headache Remedy to get rid of your sinus headaches effectively and in no time.


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