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Causes of Sinusitis
Blocked Sinuses
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Nasal Polyps
Post Nasal Drip
Bad Breath
Sinus Headaches

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Mercurius Vivus
  • Quicksilver is the name that Mercurius Vivus is commonly known as.
  • Standard homeopathic Preparations of Mercurius Vivus are diluted and triturated millions of times ensuring that only the energy of the ingredient and not the actual ingredient remain.

Where does Mercurius Vivus come from?

  • Mercurius Vivus is made from the element mercury.

Who discovered Mercurius Vivus?

  • It was discovered by the founder of Homeopathic medicine Dr Samuel Hahnemann, who also formulated a soluble preparation of mercury called Mercurius solubilis.

Mercurius Vivus is also ideal in treating:

  • Discharges from ear
  • Pain in the ear with lowered hearing
  • Itching of the ears with inflammation of the Auditory Tube
  • Pus discharges from the ear
  • Tinnitus or ringing, roaring and buzzing heard in the eyes
  • Dryness and pain in the throat
  • Sensation of fluid flowing from the ear
  • Inflammation of the parotid glad causing sore throats
  • Inflamed mucous membranes
  • Bad breath
  • Loss of voice
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Nausea from excess mucus
  • Dizziness (vertigo)
  • Toothache at night which extends into the ears
  • Yellow coating on the tongue
  • Unhealthy gums













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