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Chelidonium Majus |
- Chelidonium majus has common names that include: Greater Celandine, Common Celandine, Garden Calendine
- Celandine is a plant that flowers in every second year.
- It has poisonous orange-yellowish flowers that produce bitter milky juice.
Where does Chelidonium Majus come from?
- The plant grows on waste ground, old walls, damp areas, road edges and always close to where people are living.
- The plant is mainly found in the north- eastern U.S. and Europe.
Who discovered Chelidonium Majus?
- Chelidonium majus was first discovered and used by Dr Samuel Hahnemann and he was assisted in this proving by Becher, Gross, Hartmann, Hermann, Langhammer, Meyer, Teuthorn, and Walther.
Other Symptoms that Chelidonium Majus helps treat include:
- Constipation/diarrhea
- Whooping cough
- Pain in the temples and forehead
- Stiffness of the neck
- Regular yawning
- Headaches
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