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Sulphur |
- Sulphur is a natural mineral that is used in both traditional and homeopathy medicines.
- The common name for homeopathic sulphur is Brimstone.
Where does Sulphur come from?
- Sulphur is naturally found in the skin cells of human's body.
Who discovered Sulphur?
- Sulphur was used by the Greeks and Romans as a deodorant and disinfectant ages ago.
- Dr Samuel Hahnemann discovered sulphur's hidden medicinal qualities by the process of potentization.
Other Symptoms that Sulphur can be used for include:
- Eczema
- Skin conditions like nettle rash
- Warts
- Tinnitus
- A weak memory
- Headaches and increased pressure experienced in the head
- Fever
- Heartburn
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