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Thuja Occidentalis
  • Thuja Occidentalis is an evergreen tree that has a slow pace of growing and can live up to 800 years.
  • It is a monoecious plant (has separate male and female flowers on the same plant)
  • It is commonly known as the American white-cedar.

Where does Thuja Occidentalis come from?

  • Thuja can be found growing in uplands and swamplands because it needs neutral soils that are neither too dry nor too wet.
  • Thuja occidentalis is normally found in North America.

Who discovered Thuja Occidentalis?

  • This tree was first discovered by native Indians in Canada during the 16th century.
  • Jacques Cartier was the French explorer who introduced it as a Homeopathic Remedy.

Other Symptoms Thuja Occidentalis can help with:

  • Scratchiness and pain in the throat
  • Inflammation of the throat and tonsils
  • Difficulty to loosen mucus in the throat
  • Earache
  • Poor hearing
  • Fetid discharge emanating from the ear
  • Cramp-like pain in the external ear
  • Runny or blocked nose
  • Dryness inside the nose
  • Polyps of the ears and vocal cords
  • Face feels red and hot
  • Increased body temperature
  • GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disorder)
  • Painful cough which brings forth yellowish-green mucus
  • Toothache and inflamed gums
  • Vertigo and experiencing a constant intoxicated feeling without drinking any alcohol
  • Asthma symtpoms













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