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Post Nasal Drip
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Order: Post Nasal Drip Remedy

All units come in a 30 days / 4 weeks supply.

A Natural remedy that addresses and permanently relieves all the symptoms of Post Nasal Drip and helps your body build up a resistance to Post Nasal Drip.

Our Post Nasal Drip remedy helps treats the backward flow of mucus into the throat from the nasal passages. This causes a lot of discomfort and irritation and can even cause coughing. Another symptom that is commonly presented is halitosis or bad breath.

This remedy is safe for all ages and is made from natural ingredients that are sprayed onto lactose tablets. The remedies being homeopathic in nature have no known side effects.

Our products were designed as a long term solution for Post Nasal Drip.

Post Nasal Drip Remedy... 30 days $28.00

Post Nasal Drip Remedy... 60 days $51.00 Save $5

Post Nasal Drip Remedy... 90 days $74.00 Save $10

Post Nasal Drip Remedy... 120 days $97.00 Save $15


If you need more Information on this remedy click here.

With the Sinus-Pro products you will receive the following free:

  • An easy to read instruction guide.
  • A nutrition guide.
  • Free expert email and telephonic support.

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