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Rhinitis Ingredients

Put a stop to the constant dripping of rhinitis with the Sinus-Pro, Rhinitis Remedy. An all-natural and Homeopathic Treatment that helps decrease the amount of nasal mucus produced by the goblet cells whilst treating current rhinitis symptoms.

  • Nux Vom 7X, 30C

  • Raw, burning and tickling throat/larynx with frequent Coughing
  • Frequent fevers
  • Itching, pain and congestion of the nose with excessive Sneezing
  • Dryness and burning of then nose with large amounts of nasal discharge
  • Bleeding of the nose (epistaxis) with a foul smell emanating from the nasal passages
  • Poor taste due to bitter/acidic regurgitations/belching
  • Belching of wind
  • Vomiting of food
Click here for additional information on Nux Vomica.

  • Arsenicum Album 9X

    Ars Alb is an essential component of the Sinus-Pro Rhinitis Remedy as it helps to treat:
  • Coughing and croup like symptoms
  • Sore throat
  • A Heavy head, headaches and buzzing in the head
  • Swelling of the nose
  • Sneezing
  • Fluid coryza and burning of nostrils by corrosive secretions of nasal mucus
  • Halitosis (bad breath)
  • Inflammation and hoarseness of the throat with a bitter taste at the back of the tongue
  • Belching

Click here for additional information on Arsenicum Album.

  • Natrum Muriaticum 7X, 30C

Nat Mur is more commonly known as table salt or the salt we sprinkle on foods to give them a more palatable taste. As a Homeopathic Preparation, Natrum Muriaticum helps treat:
  • Heaviness of head
  • Itching, pressure, inflammation and weeping of the eyes
  • Vision is very sensitive
  • Loss of smell and taste
  • Sneezing
  • Congestion
  • Dry coryza
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Salty taste in mouth and mucus sitting in the throat
  • Stomach cramps with belching
  • Vomiting
  • Overall tiredness and fatigue
Click here for additional information on Natrum Muriaticum.

  • Kalium Muriaticum 30C

    Kalium Mur is also known as Potassium Chloride. It has a marked affinity for the treatment of:
  • Coup
  • Hawking up of white nasal mucus which may be lumpy in nature
  • Thick white coating on the tongue

Click here for additional information on Kalium Muriaticum.

  • Silicea 9X
Silicea is also known as Pure Flint and is ideal in treating:
  • Treats dry, hard crusts that form in the nose and bleed when loosened
  • Excessive and uncontrollable sneezing
  • Inflammation of the nostrils
  • Anosmia (loss of smell) with a loss of taste and itchiness of the nostrils
  • Large amounts of acidic nasal mucus
  • Rhinitis and a dry cough
  • Large amounts of coryza
  • Post nasal drip or a feeling of a lump being in the throat
Click here for additional information on Silicea


  • Inactive ingredients: Sucrose/Lactose


Click here to order the Rhinitis Remedy


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