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Post Nasal Drip Ingredients

The Sinus-Pro, Post Nasal Drip Remedy contains only the freshest and best Natural Homeopathic Ingredients, carefully selected to bring about healing; with all remedies being manufactured in a renowned FDA Approved Facility.

All Homoeopathic ingredients are made into a liquid form (utilizing Homeopathic dilution and trituration). This ensures all ingredients are safe, effective and provide lasting relief.


  • Kalium Bichromicum 6X, 30C

    Kalium Bichromicum is also known as Potassium Bichromate. This ingredient helps provide the relief for the following:
  • Eyes that are itchy and watery, inflammation of these areas may be present especially the eye lids/conjunctiva
  • Burning eyes
  • Dryness of nose with an Itchy-tickling feeling in the sinuses and nostril
  • Ulcers developing on the nasal septum
  • Sneezing and fluid coryza (runny nose)
  • Blocked nasal passages (especially upon waking)
  • Burning fluid nasal secretions
  • Pain or pressure in the root of the nose or in the sinus bones themselves
  • Congested nasal passages which may one sound nasally when speaking
  • Diminished sense of smell
  • Putrid smell emanating from nasal passages

Click here for additional information on Kalium Bichromicum.

  • Capsicum 7X
Capsicum is also known for its more common name, cayenne pepper and is useful in treating:
  • Swelling, inflammation and redness of the throat {mucus in the throat is difficult to dislodge}
  • Coughing which becomes worse at night
  • Bad breath with an foul taste in mouth
  • Pain and pressure in the throat
  • Tickling in the nostrils
  • Frequent nasal bleeds
  • Swelling and inflamed middle ears
Click here for additional information on Capsicum

  • Natrum Muriaticum 6X

Natrum Muriaticum or table salt is used in homeopathic form to assist with:

  • Fluid coryza
  • Sneezing with a sore nose
  • Inflammation of the nose
  • A loss of smell and taste
  • Dryness of the nose with accompanying dryness
  • Hawking up of nasal mucus which may have a salty taste and be watery in nature
  • Discharge that is thin and watery, like the raw white of egg and sneezing

Click here for additional information on Natrum Muriaticum.

  • Hydrastis Canadensis 30C
Hydrastis Canadensis (Golden Seal) is useful for treating:
  • Post-nasal drip (catarrh) that may be burning
  • Sore throat
  • Thick, white tenacious secretions especially from the posterior nares (nose)
  • Sneezing and tickling in the nose
  • Pain of the nasal septum with possible bleeding
Click here for additional information on Hydrastis Canadensis

  • Mercurius Vivus 10X, 30C  

Mercurius Vivus (Quick Silver) is used in its natural homeopathic form to treat:

  • Sneezing
  • Green, fetid and pus-like and burning nasal discharge
  • Swelling of nose and nasal bones with itchiness
  • Nose bleeds
  • Swollen and congested nose with copious watery discharge
  • Foul and offensive smell from nose

Click here for additional information on Mercurius Vivus.

  • Inactive ingredients: Lactose, Magnesium Stearate

Click here to order the Post Nasal Drip Remedy


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