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General Sinusitis Ingredients

Only the most natural and best quality ingredients have gone into the production of the General Sinusitis Remedy with all the Sinus-Pro remedies being manufactured in a FDA approved facility shipped worldwide from the USA.

The Sinus-Pro, General Sinusitis Remedy is a good “all-round” sinus reliever helping target and treat 95% of all general sinusitis symptoms thereby providing complete relief.

All of the Sinus-Pro Remedies are manufactured in a FDA Approved Facility in the USA and can be shipped to numerous worldwide destinations.

  • Asafoetida 7X
Asafoetida targets:
  • Headaches and pain felt in the forehead
  • Inflammation of the nasal bones
  • Coughing
  • Diminished or reduced hearing
  • Green nasal discharge
Click here for additional information on Asafoetida.

  • Kalium Bichromicum 7X, 30C

    Kalium Bichromicum is ideal in addressing general sinusitis symptom such as:
  • Earache and headache
  • Nasal bleeding or epistaxis
  • Increased body temperature/fevers
  • Post nasal drip (catarrh) and rhinitis
  • Tough-tenacious nasal mucus with scab or clinker formations that form on the mucus membrane linings of the nose
  • Pain and pressure in the nose and orbital areas with congestion
  • Dry, burning nose and fluid coryza
  • Sneezing
  • A nasally voice
  • Loss of smell
  • Foul odor from nose
  • Pain originating in the maxillary area towards the ear

Click here for additional information on Kalium bichromicum.

  • Calcarea Carbonica 7X

With Calc Carb, a person may feel as if his or her symptoms are getting worse when they come into contact with cold weather. This is a common symptom linked to the healing properties of Calc Carb.

Calc Carb is ideal in treating:

  • Croup
  • Tiredness
  • A buildup of mucus in the throat
  • Nausea due to excess mucus drainage
  • Coryza
  • Frequent coughing
  • Fever
  • Headaches and a feeling as if the head is congested
  • Internal and external inflammation of the nose
  • Congestion with yellow mucus
  • A dry nose

Click here for additional information on Calcarea Carbonica.

  • Mercurius Vivus 7X

    Merc Viv is known as Quick Silver and is prepared Homeopathically to help treat:
  • Bronchitis and accompanying sore or dry throats
  • Halitosis (Bad Breath) and a foul smell originating from the nostrils
  • Fever and fatigue
  • Severe headaches experienced in the frontal region
  • Sore throat upon swallowing and hoarseness
  • Pressure felt in the eyes with inflamed and sensitive eyes
  • Pain felt in the cheeks (maxillary sinus cavities) and zygomatic process
  • Swelling in the nasal bones
  • Pressure and pain felt in the nose with itching
  • Thick/tenacious mucus in the throat causing it to feel if one has a lump in their throat
  • Green or yellow nasal discharge with accompanying nasal bleeding. Nasal discharge may be acrid and burn
  • Excessive sneezing
  • Congestion
  • Fatigue

Click here for additional information on Mercurius Vivus.

  • Hepar Sulphuris Calcarea 30C
Hepar Sulp is prepared into a Homeopathic tincture ideal in treating:
  • Coughing and croup symptoms
  • Headaches experienced especially in the morning
  • Hoarseness of the throat, a sore throat and laryngitis
  • Frequent sneezing
  • A bitter taste in the mouth
  • Earache (affecting hearing)
  • Inflammation and swelling of the nasal passages with intense pain
  • Nasal bleeding with scabs/ulceration forming in the nasal passages
  • Eye pain, inflammation  and pressure experienced in the yes
  • Whooping cough / violent coughing with hawking up of nasal mucus
  • High fevers
Click here for additional information on Hepar Sulphuris Calcarea.

  • Sulphur 7X

    Sulphur or brimstone as it is also known is ideal in targeting the following sinusitis symptoms:
  • Coughing
  • Headaches and pressure in the head
  • Nasal bleeding and congestion
  • Inflammation and sensitivity of the eyes
  • Earache with accompanying discharge from the ears
  • Inflammation of the nasal septum
  • Thick, yellow nasal mucus which may feel burning and which may be hawked up
  • Frequent sneezing
  • A foul smell originating from the nose and halitosis
  • Rhinitis ( a runny nose)
  • A raw throat

Click here for additional information on Sulphur.

  • Silicea 7X, 30C
Silicea or as it is also known, Pure Flint helps alleviate the following symptoms associated with General Sinusitis:
  • Nausea or a queasy stomach with associated coughing
  • Headaches
  • Redness and inflammation of the eyes
  • Pain in the nasal bones and swollen or inflamed nostrils
  • Anosmia (a loss a smell)
  • Pain in the nasal septum
  • Burning nasal mucus
Click here for additional information on Silicea.


  • Inactive ingredients: sucrose/lactose


Click here to order the General Sinusitis Remedy


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